
Browse our publications to discover what works

We collaborate with academics, universities, and research groups to uncover what really helps people out of homelessness. Explore our growing body of work that includes randomised control trials, systematic reviews, policy papers, and books which help to fill the gaps in our understanding of homelessness.

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Evidence Notes
Evidence Notes

February 2024

What Works Evidence Notes: Prison Discharge and Homelessness

This paper explores the link between homelessness and discharge from prison, providing key insights into the efficacy of current government programmes and promising new initiatives.

Systematic review

January 2024

Case Management Report

This report breaks down key findings from over 100 studies on case management and what makes it effective when supporting people out of homelessness.

Policy paper

January 2024

Homelessness, Refugees and Resettlement in the UK

This report sheds light on the challenges faced by refugees being resettled in the UK. Exploring the connection between poverty, education, health inequalities and housing, it emphasises the role housing plays in shaping the destiny of those on the edge of society. The report highlights that refugees bear a disproportionate burden, often facing multiple challenges and disadvantages when trying to find stable accommodation.

Evidence Tools

August 2023

Evidence and Gap Maps Implementation: Fourth Edition

Also known as the ‘why things work or not’ map, the Fourth Edition of the Implementation Map looks at qualitative evaluations concerning homelessness interventions. The latest edition showcases 597 studies – an increase from the initial 246 studies back in 2018. This growth underscores the growing global interest in understanding homelessness interventions. Notably, 191 of these studies have been added since the previous edition, demonstrating the continual expansion of our knowledge.


August 2023

The impacts of Lifelong Links on housing outcomes for young people leaving care

This study shows a promising solution to reducing the risk of homelessness among young people leaving care. Looking at Lifelong Links, an intervention connecting children in care with a support network of trusted adults, reduces the risk of homelessness by 10%.

Policy paper

May 2023

Homelessness and disability in the UK

This policy paper highlights the significant barriers faced by people with disabilities in accessing support and exiting homelessness. It draws on government data and research reports to highlight the higher prevalence of physical disabilities and health conditions in households experiencing poverty and potential homelessness.

Evidence Notes

March 2023

What Works Evidence Notes: Mental Health and Homelessness

This paper explores the link between homelessness and mental health, and provides effective interventions such as integrated support models and trauma-focused interventions to tackle these pressing issues.

Evidence tools report

February 2023

Evidence and Gap Maps Effectiveness: Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of this report which presents the findings from the evidence and gap map on effectiveness. This new edition contains 690 studies, 128 of which were published in the past two years.