Evidence Finder

Locate and access relevant and reliable studies on homelessness interventions.

Use our Evidence Finder to see where in the world reliable studies have been conducted. Each pin provides a link to the original study and results can be filtered by population group, study type or year of publication. Some studies may appear on the map in more than one place if they have been conducted in multiple contexts. The studies from this map come from our Evidence and Gap Map of Effectiveness Studies (red pins) and Implementation Issues (blue pins).


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Explore the Evidence and Gap Maps

While the Evidence Finder allows you to locate evidence based on where the studies were conducted, the Evidence and Gap Maps show the same studies organised by intervention type, outcome, and implementation issues.

Explore the Evidence and Gap Maps
A photograph of the Evidence and Gap Maps being used on a laptop

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We continue to add new studies as they are identified; if you know of any missing or new evidence that needs adding, please let us know.

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