Board member

Rebecca Lury

Partner at Pagefield Communications

Rebecca is a Partner at Pagefield, with over 15 years' experience providing strategic corporate communications support, encompassing public affairs and public relations, supporting businesses, charities and membership organisations.

She works with CEOs and Executive Committee members, helping them to understand and navigate the political and regulatory challenges facing their business, creating compelling campaigns to minimise regulatory threats, and maximise opportunities for business growth, providing senior counsel, strategic insight and developing comprehensive public affairs and public relations engagement programmes.

Rebecca was also a Labour Party Councillor in the London Borough of Southwark from 2012 - 2022, during which time she held roles including Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance & Democracy, and Chair of the Healthy Communities Committee.

She brings previous Board experience from her time as a Trustee at The Old Vic theatre, and as a School Governor at Michael Faraday Primary School.

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